Open Office Spaces.
Modern office design has created a sound problem. With the removal of walls and the increasing move to benching and low profile cubicles there has been an increase in employee distraction. The lack of speech privacy is the primary factor of worker dissatisfaction. Employees are interrupted by speech once every 11 minutes and waste an average of 21.5 minutes per day due to conversational distractions. Sound masking a minimum productivity gain of 2-4%, results in higher retention rates, and increases recollection by 8.7%. Sound Masking is barely noticeable, creates a sense of privacy and allows for collaboration among teams.
Private Office Spaces.
Private offices have become reserved for executives and others responsible for highly confidential matters such as HR. 53% of employees report having overheard confidential company information at the office. Eavesdropping can result in lost productivity, the spread of sensitive corporate information, and can result in compliance and legal consequences. Many times this is a result of poor wall, ceiling, or door construction. Sound masking can help keep private offices private.
Co-Working Spaces.
Co-Working spaces are here to stay. They allow small businesses and startups the functionality of having an office without the risk and startup cost. However, these spaces can be highly disruptive for the worker resulting in lost productivity and revenue. Sound Masking reduces the area where speech is intelligible and distracting from upwards of 50 feet to around 15 feet. This technology allows co-working spaces to maintain their primary focus of networking while not sacrificing on worker satisfaction and productivity.
Clinical Spaces.
Patient privacy is the utmost concern for physicians, pharmacists, and healthcare providers. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) mandates how a healthcare provider implements safeguards to protect patient privacy. Sound Masking protects patient and staff privacy while increasing patient satisfaction and comfort. Premier Acoustics helps achieve HIPAA compliance with speech privacy protection and increases HCAHPS scores by creating quieter and more comfortable environments for patients.
Secure Spaces.
Government offices and military facilities collect and use sensitive information to carry out their missions. The Code of Fair Information Practice, established in the Privacy Act of 1974, governs the collection, storage, use, and release of personally identifiable information. Securing verbal communications from being overheard or recorded by specialized audio equipment is often underserved due to high construction and labor costs. Sound Masking protects sensitive information and secures verbal communications from being overheard. We specialize in STC testing and certification of Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIFs). We also provide a portable eavesdropping kit that allows any room to quickly, effectively and efficiently be secured. We are here to ensure your secure space meets ICD 705 standards.
Transportation Spaces.
Intelligible speech dissemination is vital at airports, rail stations, and other transit facilities. Clear messaging can mean the difference between making your connection on time and missing your scheduled departure. Research shows a well-designed transit communication system can automatically assist passengers to navigate 20% faster. Unified Communications can leverage your existing or future network infrastructure to provide one integrated solution for daily communication while also supporting your emergency preparedness plans. Noisy transportation facilities can be stressful for passengers, and research has shown that soundscapes can help to put people at ease. Many transit facilities have begun implementing background music to inspire calm.
Education Spaces.
We offer a mission-critical mass communication platform designed for educational spaces. It’s an entire network-based ecosystem of unified communication technologies that sets a new standard in interoperability. An entire school’s paging, audio, video, digital signage, and emergency systems can communicate together under one solution - even off campus and district-wide. The core results are improved daily communications with better collaboration and productivity. With the right technology in place, students and staff can focus on achieving their goals.